News Community News Local event | Leith Creative luncheon

10858411_866313126766224_6873872741006735087_nLeith Creative is seeking input from Leith Creatives for its new, important cultural mapping research project. Being co-delivered by LeithLate and Citizen Curator, they are looking specifically at cultural resources, arts hubs and creative industries within the Leith area.

As part of this wider engagement process, Leith Creative are hosting a ‘Love Leith’ Luncheon on the Saturday 14 February at the Drill Hall, between 11.30am and 3pm. All welcome and attendance is free.

Find out more via the Eventbrite page.


If you are a Leith Creative (individual or organisation) either living or working in Leith but cannot attend this event, you can also help feed into this research project via this online survey and follow them on Facebook to find out about the project’s future events and developments.
