News Community News Desire Lines | Edinburgh’s cultural community under review

As the Council is preparing a new cultural policy, Desire Lines is surveying thoughts and opinions from working artists and makers likely to be affected by, and hopefully benefit from, the changes.
Tania Czajka attended the first meeting and found it “busy, lively and interesting” and thought it would be of interest to our St MH community of artists. The aim is to circulate ideas and to assess and improve Edinburgh cultural life.

There’s been a real buzz around the event and the issues raised and a lot of positive energy and goodwill as a result. We’re delighted to see the debate taking on a life of its own via social media and thanks for contributing to/encouraging this.

The film of the event is now available on the website

We’d now really like your help to keep the conversation going.

Please direct as many of your friends, associates and communities to the film and encourage them to contribute their ideas and ambitions to the process by:

  • Feeding in a 140 word submission on the
  •  Completing the survey (closes 8 Jan 2015):
  •  Posting on the Facebook page:
  •  Tweeting using the Desire Lines hashtag: #DesireLinesEdinAs we said at the meeting, all of your contributions and comments will be read and analysed. They’ll help to set the agenda for another large scale meeting in late Jan or early Feb 2015 where we can explore together our shared priorities and decide how we can take our individual and collective ambitions for culture in the city forward.


The results will be offered to the Council, to be taken into consideration as part of its Cultural Policy Review.  So take a minute and fill it in, if you can!
